Dad Smarter Not Harder

How to insult your kids

Episode Summary

Discussing a recent incident with Cardi B, we explore handling haters & criticism. Learn a technique I've taught my kids: responding to negativity with a calm "Ok thanks", showing maturity & not giving haters satisfaction. Rise above & show words don't define you. Watch on! 🙌👉

Episode Notes


Hey everyone! Today's topic might have caught your eye, but rest assured, we're NOT here to promote negativity. Inspired by a recent incident with Cardi B, we're diving deep into how we should react when faced with haters or negative comments. 

We all face criticism, be it online or in real life. But how should we, and more importantly, our children, respond? 🤔 In this video, I'll share a simple yet powerful technique I've taught my kids to handle such situations. 

Instead of getting dragged into a war of words or letting negativity affect them, they've learned to respond with a calm "Ok thanks".

 🙌 Why? Because by doing so, they're not giving haters the satisfaction of an emotional response. They're rising above, showing maturity, and moving on without letting negativity weigh them down. 

👉 Watch on to learn more about this technique and how you can implement it in your life and teach your kids the same. Remember, it's not about stooping down to someone's level, but about rising above and showing them that their words don't define you.