Dad Smarter Not Harder

How to improve intimacy with your wife

Episode Summary

Diving into improving intimacy for men, today's video highlights more than just the physical. Discover the TWO PILLARS of intimacy: 1️⃣ Self-care: discussing porn's impact, fitness, sleep, diet, and supplements. 2️⃣ Catering to her needs: understanding love languages, boundaries, and appreciation. Reignite the connection with your wife! 💑🌹

Episode Notes



Hey parents! Today, we're diving into a topic that many men often struggle with - improving intimacy with their wives. If you've ever felt that the spark is fading or that your wife isn't as interested in intimacy, this video is for you. Contrary to popular belief, the key to a thriving intimate relationship isn't just about the physical aspect. It's about creating an environment of love, respect, and understanding. 

🌹 In this video, we'll explore the TWO PILLARS of improving intimacy: 

1️⃣ Take Care of Yourself - The foundation of any relationship starts with self-love and self-care. We'll discuss: The impact of porn on intimacy The benefits of lifting weights and staying fit The importance of adequate sleep and a balanced diet Supplements that can enhance your well-being 

2️⃣ Take Care of Her - Understanding and catering to your wife's needs is crucial. We'll delve into: The 5 love languages and how to identify hers The significance of giving her space and understanding her boundaries Simple yet effective ways to make her feel appreciated and cherished. 

By focusing on these pillars, you can reignite the flame and foster a deeper connection with your wife. 💑